Friday, October 11, 2024

2024-10-11 Last Day of Navratri.

 The state of the world seems worse than the last time I wrote.  I am recommending gold even though it is at record highs.  The banks are in trouble and we should not assume the government has gold to back our money in Fort Knox. A new Dollar will come out and  you will lose some when they bring it in.  Silver is still a good buy. No matter who wins the election we will not see much improvement for 4 to 6 years. They spend more effort fighting each other than doing anything for the citizens.  I feel the Democrats are simply lying to us on so many things. We are at fault for the Ukraine war and Zionism was started by World elites in the 1880s.  A 2 state solution is what has to come. Iran will broker peace when they get a new government of younger people. yes America will bomb Iran. We will not have WW3 or nuclear war, I am voting for Trump but do not have high hopes he will do much for us.  I am not happy he supports Israel but I understand why he does but I believe he does not know. There may be bad economy in 2025 but a surge in stocks such as NVDA now and in the beginning of 2025. There will be scares though and volatility in markets. Bitcoin and Etherium should be good into 2025 new highs expected but not sure when it will end. Pray for peace, send love to those in trouble. War will continue, I believe Russia will win in Ukraine and Israel will win in Gaza. China may later sabatage our internet. later the CCP will step down.