Friday, October 11, 2024

2024-10-11 Last Day of Navratri.

 The state of the world seems worse than the last time I wrote.  I am recommending gold even though it is at record highs.  The banks are in trouble and we should not assume the government has gold to back our money in Fort Knox. A new Dollar will come out and  you will lose some when they bring it in.  Silver is still a good buy. No matter who wins the election we will not see much improvement for 4 to 6 years. They spend more effort fighting each other than doing anything for the citizens.  I feel the Democrats are simply lying to us on so many things. We are at fault for the Ukraine war and Zionism was started by World elites in the 1880s.  A 2 state solution is what has to come. Iran will broker peace when they get a new government of younger people. yes America will bomb Iran. We will not have WW3 or nuclear war, I am voting for Trump but do not have high hopes he will do much for us.  I am not happy he supports Israel but I understand why he does but I believe he does not know. There may be bad economy in 2025 but a surge in stocks such as NVDA now and in the beginning of 2025. There will be scares though and volatility in markets. Bitcoin and Etherium should be good into 2025 new highs expected but not sure when it will end. Pray for peace, send love to those in trouble. War will continue, I believe Russia will win in Ukraine and Israel will win in Gaza. China may later sabatage our internet. later the CCP will step down.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

October, 20, 2019, I am recommending buying gold and silver. We are facing a monetary crisis in the United States. I do believe this will be resolved. It will not likely result in a collapse but there will be some fear in the markets. Avoid financial or banking stocks, buy silver and or gold coins, and or bars. Get something common like the silver Buffalo round or the gold Eagle common mint or plain gold bars or coins. Be careful of fakes, China has produced convincing fakes so be careful where you buy. This could happen before the election for president. You could also buy Bitcoin or Litecoin. At the end of the year (2019) they will be safe to buy but first have some gold and or silver.
   The future for America looks good long term but we need more flexibility and give and take in national politics. Personally I think there is a remainder of the old elite in politics leftover from cold war era who want to hold on a little longer.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Interest rates Oct 11, 2018

many people own real estate investment trusts and these are down due to interest rates. AGNC is not doing to bad and I will keepit. To offset the risk buy Starwood property Trust (STWD), they hold 95% variable interest loans and will do much better in this environment. The downtrend in stocks will not be more than a week longer. I also recommend cannabis stock, there is also a mutual fund called HMLSF. The stock I hold is MCIG but I think the mutual fund is a better play because it can be hard to find the stocks that will excel versus ones that will sit still or not perform. I recommend TSLA Tesla for a long term hold, it will have its ups and downs though so only buy the amount you can afford. To go with Tesla LIT is a good ETF, it pays a dividend once a year in December. Lithium should do better later this year. I do hope Trump or someone can get rid of the Federal Reserve- basically it is an attack by private banks on our financial system. Silver and gold may have hit bottom, if gold stays below $1200 it may keep going down below $1000. it is good practice to have some but not your whole portfolio as metals.  My best performers were HMLSF and UPS, CODI has recently invested in the cannabis market and pays a 8% dividend( I just got it recently).
   There will be no stock market crash or monetary crash and there will be no major wars, stop listening to the news media. All they do is report negative news and will not tell us good news. They are owned by the elite. With Trump in office the elite can not crash the stock market.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

predictions Oct, 10 2018

1. Current downtrend in stocks will last until Oct. 16th- safe to buy stocks after the or on the 16th.

2. Big scandal with selling children for sex with elite, people will be shocked but in reality it has been going on all along- perhaps for 100s of years.

3 The news media are liars, they are making the world look worse than it really is

4. Youth in Israel will demand wall between Israel and Palestine is torn down.

5. Youth in Iran and other countries will change  government  from within.

6. Korea(s) will unite into one Korea again. This will be obvious when families can come together from opposite sides of border.

Questions: Will manipulation of metals stop? Will there be a dollar reset? Should we keep our change in case we have a dollar reset? One thing I will say is we will not have an all out failure or collapse of the dollar or the economy. The more you let the media scare you the worse things may get so do not let them scare  you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

We are being lied to by our TV news media. Trump has made peace in Korea and is changing unfair international trade agreements. They are treating Trump like he did what Bush did, but instead Trump is ending long standing war.  It may be Kavanaugh is being set up. i will write more about this later.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Silver is the most undervalued asset April 1 2018

Stocks are sort of bought up but the market is in a consolidation. Bitcoin is in a bubble and will go back up in 2020 Bitcoin could go down to $4000 or even lower on a short term drop and Litecoin could go back below $100. Do not buy unless you can stand a $50 value for Litecoin and $2500 Bitcoin for a while( Good price to buy in maybe). I still think the technology behind these digital currencies are a great invention but we will have a consolidation phase to go through and we still have the rest of the bubble to fall through first. There may be a period where crypto goes up for some months even but it will likely hit new lows after that. I do not believe there will be a stock market crash. I think the elite may drive stocks higher being they can not manipulate or predict what Trump's reaction will be to their plan. They simply can not plan much with Trump in office because Trump is not part of our traditional elite. I think stocks are safe to buy, may want to wait a few more weeks to buy in though. Silver is the most undervalued asset at the $16.50 price range. It costs about $14 to produce silver bullion so the downside is limited and if it goes down mine production will reduce because mines can not produce silver at break even or loss. New inventions in electronics may drive prices of silver higher. I do not see any major economic condition or problem to cause panic for gold and silver but we will still have the slow inflation robbing our dollar.  Oil should remain stable or even come down in price.  The elite is also into Big Pharma making money off from our illnesses and cancer while real cures are hidden from our sight. The elite is weaker than decades ago. We will see global cooling by 2032 due to normal cycles of the sun and water cycle. We need a decentralized energy production or the energy grid could fail.  

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Today I am recommending buying Bitcoin. This does not mean you put everything in to it but some exposure may be good. It is not controlled by the Big Banks or the elite. As far as I know it can not be manipulated or shorted like other assets. It may be a force in transforming our world to a more honest monetary system. it is around $2700 now and was at $3000 yesterday-- a good time to pick some up.
   In the fall we could see a banking crisis- this may perform better than gold and silver. I think gold and silver could be negatively impacted if stocks fall because people will have margin calls and may sell metals or other investments to pay off margin calls. Later metals like gold and silver will go up perhaps. my strategy is to wait until the stocks come down and then buy metals. I do think we will recover- perhaps some stocks will be a good deal as well. silver could go down to $10 but soon go back up to $20 but if you buy it now you will take the roller coaster ride. Bitcoin may be a big winner here outperforming everything. many see it as a way to circumvent the elite controlled assetts alltogether. In fact I say buy some to thumb your nose at the elite.( But use discretion) it may have a place in correcting our economic system in the future. perhaps the US will come up with its own digital currency to replace the dollar.
    Global warming: We will have global cooling- the weather will be erratic. We are gradually going into a mini ice age. it will make the oceans produce more fish which we need to replace some of the beef we eat to much of. keep firewood if you can in case the power goes out. it is not something to be worried about especially if you use common sense and are prepared. keep a little extra food in your house and have some extra money and supplies- I do not know what the employment situation will be in the future- it is always best to have some money in case of job loss or emergency. I do believe the problems will be solved and good times will return.
    As far as stocks it looks like REIT stocks are doing ok ( they took some corrections in the past few years)but with an impending banking crisis or stock market problem I can't recommend buying REIT stocks or any other stocks. if I bought anything I think AGNC would be the best company but they could be impacted along with the other markets though perhaps delayed some in some cases. companies like Ford are already going down- if you could find a bottom you could pick up Fords dividend-currently at 5% if you think the leadership is honest there. I kind of do not trust the leadership though I do drive a Ford car.Ford just laid off a lot of people and some stores are slowing down or closing- could be a downturn coming but not certain.
    I am not a supporter of Trump but he is teaching us a hard lesson and we will not let this happen again. Vote better next time! god will give us some wonderful opportunities to make our lives better dispite what is going on- we may be surprised. In my opinion he is helping special interests and big corporations but cutting benefits for the rest of us. it is evident in the people he chose for his cabinet as well. we will have to figure the budget but cutting benefits and increasing the military which is already 50% of our budget does not seem to be the answer. Sending military to Saudia Arabia or Israel (  military stocks are doing ok) is not the answer as well. it feeds the military industrial complex and kills people.